Free, fun, and meaningful math for all
Every JRMF puzzle is hands-on, play-based, and standards-aligned.
We design our activities to have a low floor so that anyone can find a way to engage and a high ceiling so that everyone can find a meaningful challenge.
All of our puzzles come with free festival guides that help you use our activities at home, in the classroom, or during math festivals.

For All Ages

Apple Picking
After a long day of picking apples, can you eat the last, juiciest apple?
For All Ages

Changing Colors
Can you make two of each shape? But they can't share the same colors!

Digit Sums
Use every digit of your numbers to solve these unique and challenging number puzzles.
For All Ages

Domino Dissection
Can you tile the board using each domino exactly once?
3rd - 12th Grade

Frogs and Toads
Can you help the frogs and toads get to the other side of the pond?
3rd - 12th Grade

Can you split up each puzzle so that more than half of the groups are purple groups?
For All Ages

Everything is made up of one, continuous line. Can you figure out what belongs in town?
3rd - 12th Grade

Magic Flowers
Can you arrange 5 numbers into a Magic Flower in which every group of three numbers in a line adds up to the same magic number?
3rd - 12th Grade

Map Coloring
Can you color each map so that no two neighboring states are colored the same color?
3rd - 12th Grade

Meeple Town
Can you find all the places where the Meeple can live?
3rd - 12th Grade

Poly Puzzles
Can you build a polyhedron using the shapes in each puzzle?
3rd - 12th Grade

Rook’s Move
Race your friends to get the rook to the end of the chessboard. Can you find a way to win every time?
3rd - 12th Grade

Help the city planner build up the city with new skyscrapers.
3rd - 12th Grade

Tile with Style
Can you cover the entire square with pattern blocks?